Monday, April 28, 2008

Two Months Already!!

Wow, Lenee will be so proud of me. Two posts in as many weeks! Graycen is growing and growing. She is already 2 months old!!! We had her second doctor's appointment and she weighed in at 14 lbs and 23 3/4 inches. This puts her in the 95th percentile for weight and 85th for height. We have a big tomato on our hands. She is smiling all the time and is a very happy baby. She continues to sleep through the night, as she has done since she was 2 weeks old (I have no idea how we got so lucky!). She wakes up smiling and happy and ready to eat!!!!. Graycen spends her Mondays and Wednesdays with her grandmother, Joanie, and Tuesdays and Thursdays with my mom, her Gigi. Fridays are mommy and Gray days. Graycen continues to keep us on our toes by reaching developmental milestones before we expect her to. For example, she has rolled over a few times already. She is also holding herself up so well that she is able to play in the stationary jumper. Needless to say, she is doing great and continues to amaze us, her proud parents. I just can't get enough of her. I have included some pics here. You will notice her hair is shorter in some because she got her first haircut today. She was looking a little straggly and was pulling her hair, so we decided it was time. Don't worry, we saved the first lock :)

Coming soon......Graycen's Baptism featuring "The DON."


Frog said...

I LOVE the second picture! She looks like you in that pic. Her haircut is cute too!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! Can't wait to see her at the next family get together.

Aunt G said...

Lenee's Aunt Geralyn is very proud of you too!

You and Lenny have one heck of a beautiful little girl!

Is that Molly Crowley in the first picture?

lenee said...

I love the picutre with Bailey the Beagle, too cute. Great job on the blog doc!