Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Say Cheese!

Well it looks like someone knows what to do with a camera now. As soon as I pull it out she gives me the biggest grin. She is a ham for sure :) She is also showing some new expressions which just crack me up! I hope these pics put a smile on your face too:)

Crazy Hair

Here are some pics from the other day. Gray had just woken up and had some seriously crazy hair. I love it. Yes, she did get a haircut, but it just keeps growing and growing. And I must say, although you can't really tell from these pictures, it is as straight as a pin. Just like momma's. Anyway...I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do :)

I love her, I love her, I love her, love her, love her, yes, I do.

Just Hanging Out

You talkin to us?

Graycen Theresa and Layla Grace

My sweet girl is 6-months old. Already!?! She is doing so much. She is trying really hard to crawl and insists on standing up whenever she can. She is in the 75th percentile for height and greater than the 99th for weight. She is so much fun. She giggles and laughs and is learning more everyday. She has found her favorite toys (Abbie Cadabie and Elmo) and loves exploring her toys on the floor. She has also found a new best friend in Bailey. Bailey joins her in floor time everyday and, as you can see, they have a blast. Gray also really likes spending time with other kids. She smiles so big and starts cooing as soon as she sees another baby. Perhaps we should start thinking about a little brother or sister sooner rather than later ;)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get a Haircut Hippy!

As some of you know, Graycen had her first haircut when she was 8 weeks old. Mommy and daddy tried very hard to make it even, and it came out ok. But just ok. But now it is long again. I pin it back each day to prevent oatmeal and fruit from getting in it, but without the barrette, it is just too long. I think we are going to take her in for her first real haircut soon :)


Daddy got Gray a new swing and she just loves it! We have been enjoying it lots in the evening when it is a little cooler. She seems so proud of herself, sitting up like a big girl!

Sleepy Girl

Here is my sleepy girl trying to wake up from her afternoon nap. I melt everytime I see it!

5 Months Old!!!

July 18th marked Graycen's 5 month birthday. I just can't believe how quickly she has grown. She seems to being doing something new every day. About 2 weeks before she turned 5 months, she started sitting up on her own. Now that is all she wants to do. She is also much more vocal and mimicking (sp?) raspberries! Hehehe, it is the cutest thing ever!!! She is eating her fruits, veggies, and cereal very well and she is a very clean eater! We are working on holding her own bottle and drinking water out of a cup. She gets very wet but is trying very hard. She is also much more interactive with her toys and everything makes its way into her mouth. Wow, who knows what new things she will do tomorrow :)

Monday, June 30, 2008

What A Weekend!!!

What a fun and action-packed weekend we had! On Friday, Gray came to work with me to say goodbye to our interns and to welcome the new crew. I love bringing her. I feel so proud showing her off! Friday night was a really fun baby shower for our dear friends Dan and Lenee. The party was wonderful and their boy is surely loved already. He should be coming into the world around mid-August. We can't wait for Gray to meet her new boyfriend! Saturday was busy too. We went shopping as a family because Daddy could no longer fit in his dress pants (he has lost 35 lbs!!!!)and he needed something to wear for a wedding we were invited too. Although we had planned on leaving Gray with some friends and having our first "grown up" evening, I couldn't bear to leave we brought her. It was a really fun night. Congratulations to Aimee and Tommy Delbert!!!! Their wedding was beuatiful and we had lots of fun hanging out with the family. Sunday was more relaxed and Gray and Daddy both slept until 10:00 am!!! We hung around the house and then went to Poppy and Joanie's for dinner. All in was a really fun weekend!!! We can't wait for July 4th!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

4 Months Old!!!

Wow, time is really flying! Graycen is growing up sooooo fast! She is talking up a storm and doing more and more each day. Her new thing is to pull the pacifier in and out of her mouth. She is getting pretty good and can get it in most of the time. She isn't really rolling over yet, buy loves to stand up on your legs when you are sitting down. She is also a whiz in the jumperoo. My mom is convinced that she jumps in rhythm. Maybe we have a dancer on our hands!!! She is sleeping really well and is pretty much on a schedule. She ususally wakes up between 7 and 8,eats and then naps around 10:30, eats and naps again around 2:00, and then eats and is down for the night around 7:30. Its nice that we get some time to ourselves when she is asleep, but I must admit that I sorta miss her and will find myself "peeking" in on her just to stare for a little while. Sigh :)

The Beach Baby!!!!

We took our first vacation as a family to Destin this last week. It was wonderful!!! The weather could not have been better and Graycen, as always, was easy going. My mom and sister came along with Lenny, Gray and I for a nice long weekend. Graycen loved the pool but wasn't crazy about the gulf (not ocean, right Nay!) I think she was bothered by the waves splashing her. She was a real trooper though! No problems on the long ride up and no problems with our long sun-filled days. I couldn't help but daydream about next year's trip. She will probably be old enough to make sand castles!!!!!


Well, 2 weeks shy of when she was supposed to start, Dr. Zander gave us the okay to start her on cereal. If you could see how she chugged her bottles you would agree. Here is some video of her first taste! She is now eating like a champ!!! Hopefully we can start her with some real food this week. She has her 4 month check up this Friday! We can't wait to see what she weighs now :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cooing Graycen

Here she is in all of her cooing glory!!!! I crack up everytime I see it. I am waiting for that giggle though! I know it is coming any day now :)

3 Months Old!!!

Wow! Graycen is 3 months old already!!!!! She is doing so well. She is such a sweet and happy baby, we could not have asked for more. She presently weighs approximately 16 pounds (yikes!) which puts her above the 95th percentile for weight and at her last doctor's visit she was almost 26 inches long which puts her in the 85th percentile for height. She is already in six months clothing. She is really thriving developmentally. She is cooing and starting to babble some. She is starting to reach for objects and is very interactive and social. She loves to stand up on your lap and is really stronger that I thought a 3 month old would be. She is also finding her thumb more and more each day. I think she is going to be a bookworm too! When we read books at night, she stares intently at the pages. And I have heard the same thing from Joanie and Gigi when they read books to her during the day. I am going to go to the library to get some more books, so that we can spice up her repetoire a little bit (okay, so maybe it is so mommy doesn't get bored reading the same books over and over again). We have established a schedule and she is finally in her own room. My mom and Lenny were hounding me to get her in there since she was sooo squinched in her bassinet. And, I must admit, she sleeps much more soundly in her own room. Anyway, she goes to bed around 8:00 each night and awakens around 7:00 am. It is nice that Lenny and I can have some evening time to ourselves again. Oh yeah, one more update. We think Graycen officially has her first boyfriend. She saw Tad one night at Bernie and Michelle's and gave him the sweetest eyes I have ever seen...and what does Tad do? He blows her a kiss. It was the cutest thing ever! I think we might have to watch these two in a few years!

Mother's Day and the Zoo!

I hit my first milestone as a mommy, Mother's Day. I had a wonderful day. Lenny and Graycen gave me a day at the spa and a beautiful "G" necklace from Tiffany's! He also cooked a wonderful steak dinner. But, let's face it, everything he cooks is wonderful! But the dinner was especially wonderful that night. The weekend after Mother's Day we took Graycen for her first trip to the zoo. She had a blast! She was awake for most of the day, but fell asleep during the Swamp area. It figures, it is so dark in there anyway. I think she enjoyed the trees, plants, and greenery more than the animals themselves, but regardless, it was a fun day for all. Now that we are members of the Audubon Institute, we can go whenever we want! Hopfully we can get lots of visits in before it gets hot! We really do have a sweet girl on our hands and she looked especially precious for her first day at the zoo in her jumper and sun hat (thanks Joanie and Poppie!).

Graycen's Baptism

On May 4th, Graycen was baptized at St. Dominic's Church in Lakeview. Her godparents are Laura and Richie, our maid of honor and best man respectively. While Laura is fine with going with the title "Nanny", Richie would prefer to be called "The Don." Yep, you heard it right, "The Don." He figures since he is a godfather like Don Corleone, he can use the title too. So from here on out, Graycen has a Nanny and The Don. Her baptism day was wonderful. All of our friends and family came to the church and then to our house for a crawfish boil. The weather was beautiful too! We could not have asked for a better day.